Staff Meeting on Nov. 23th
1 November 2023
The meeting of academic staff at Universität Hamburg will take place
on Thursday, 23 November
from 10.15 to 12.00 a.m.
Anna-Siemsen lecture hall, Von-Melle-Park 8
"Among other things, we want to exchange ideas with you about the „Hamburger Erklärung zu Hochschul-Karrierewegen in der Wissenschaft“ by the Hamburg Universities' Conference. In particular, we want to discuss whether this declaration shows an appropriate way of addressing the undesirable developments in the university personnel structure (too few permanent positions; too many positions with exclusively teaching obligation) and the precarisation of academic careers.
As part of our activity report, there will be statistics on employments: fixed-term vs. permanent, third-party funds vs. budget funds, positions with exclusively teaching obligation vs. "normal" WiMi positions.
Please let us know ( what you think should be additionally discussed at the staff meeting and brought to the attention of the President, Prof Dr Hauke Heekeren, and the Chancellor, Dr Martin Hecht, who will be there to give their views and answer questions."